Monday, August 30, 2021

LIVERY  FSX Just flight Vickers Viscount-800 MANDALA Airlines PK-RVT "Gandeva"

Vickers Viscount 806 PK-RVT, which was assembled at the Weybridge factory in Spring 1958, was delivered new to British European Airways Corparation (BEA) as G-AOYT, enjoyed a interesting working life. Next to Ansett she operated passenger services for Winner Airways and Far Eastern Transport (FEAT) both of Taiwan from 1969 until 1977.  In September 1977 she became part of the Mandala Viscount fleet and named ' Gandera'. On Januari 13, 1985 it was over-and-out for this Viscount, when she was damaged beyond repair after a belly landing at Yogyakarta-Adisutjipto.

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